
Loulé, Loulé, la la la

  I can't help it, but I still have a soft spot for carnival.  I come from that part of the country where carnival is instilled in you with your mother's milk, so that can be seen as a mitigating circumstance.  So now that we are in a sunny southern country and there was carnival here too, we had to go and it was worth it to experience the colours, the joy, the music, all. Loulé, Loulé, la la la Stay optimistic, happy and healthy as long as possible but at least till the end.

Sir Henry, a free spirit.

Last year I saw him for the first time. Simply laying on the sidewalk, not reacting on my talking, just a glance when he saw me taking his picture. In the days to come I saw him more often, always alone, this old dog. They told me he once had an owner who passed away. Since then Henry, that’s his name. walked and still walks from the harbour to the old town and back, day after day. Restaurants supply him with food and water, vets take care for his health, winterers give him dog cookies and keep an eye on him.  There have been attempts to find a home for him, but he just wants to be in the outside, walking when he feels like it, sleeping if he feels tired and eat if it’s available and he is hungry.  He’s a loner, one might say, unable to make friends, but I see freedom, absolute freedom. Freedom just what the world needs now, freedom, just what people need now. Freedom just what we are in need of. So be careful and proud of them who found or search for freedom, like Henry, and ...

Cars and cats.

  This is a cat's loving country. They feed them, even if they don't own them. They make houses for them to sleep of hide. And there are many of them. When the sun shines they seem to like to sit on cars.  Maybe that's because when the sun shines, sometimes cars look extra beautiful, thanks to the reflection and the warm sunlight. Yes, we like it here, although we have to leave very soon. Stay happy and optimistic, that's what we all need.

Colour goes on and on . . .

Where we live now, there are strikingly colored houses along the harbor.  So taking color photos doesn't have to be that difficult here.  Most of the time the sun shines, except today the rain patters against the windows, so the light is generally very nice. Also easy to take photos.  And rainy days are perfect to make blogs . . . Stay happy, healthy and optimistic. The world needs it!

More colours?

  Yes, more colour photos. Does that mean I'm staying with colours? Don't know, for now I have the impression that the more I take photos in. colours, the more I miss black and white. But this might also change, who knows? It's for now not certain for me. But stop talking and or writing that much, better show the pictures, you might think. So here they come, in colour. Stay happy, healthy and optimistic, we all need that!


  As you might know or may have noticed I prefer taking photos in black and white, but recently or even a little longer there is more colour coming up. So I thought let’s go all the way and show those colours in a colourful way. Not sure if this is making any sense to you but for me it’s pretty clear, anyway I hope or I think it is. It appears to be not that simple for me as I noticed that I think in black and white, so I make a pretty good impression how the photo will look in black and white. I think I see a nice picture but it might be not that interesting in colour. But I’m learning, anyway hoping that I’m learning and that the photos will be nice to look at, but please keep in mind these are my first serious steps in colour photography. Of course I took more colour pictures in the past, but this time I go out with the intention to take colour photographs. Will I keep doing this? I really don’t know, let’s go step by step, even better, make that little step by little step and w...

Birds, big ones . . .

  It seems like I'm becoming a bird photographer, but for now that's not the case.  But when I saw these birds and was able to get so close to them, you wouldn't miss an opportunity like that. So, here are my tries, hope you enjoy looking at it . . . Stay happy, healthy and optimistic. The world needs that!