
Showing posts from December, 2020

Merry Christmas and a Happy New and COVID Free Year.

  No snow, no big Christmas diner allowed, many shops closed, no restaurants open, no pub open, even most churches are closed on Christmas days, no fireworks allowed and that virus is still spoiling the party of life, no more words further as it's all on the card, as we do this time of the year . . . And it's raining all day, but Stay healthy and optimistic, the world needs it . . .

How the world has changed, and will it change backwards . . . .?

This was not so long before the virus changed our world. Before we need to wear masks. Before we were not allowed to be so close to each other. Before we were not allowed to touch each other. But now there's hope, there is medicine just around the corner.  Let's hope the world will change back to how it was, or even better . . .

Just a friendly face . . . .

  With all those masks you can hardly see a friendly face anymore, so I thought. . . . Stay healthy and optimistic, the world needs it!

It's cold over here !

  Yes, it's cold in the Netherlands, anyway that's my opinion. For the lovers of wintertime it all might seem peanuts, but there is ice on the pool! Ice on the pool, so it's cold. The prove is there, on the pool. If there wasn't that virus we were in Spain now. We don't like the cold but for this year we have to stay in the Netherlands. We hope that next year is the start of a Covid free world. And for now, keep safe and make the best out of it.  And stay optimistic, the world needs it.

Just a little joke, I hope
