Back in The Hague

           A while a go I was in The Hague. One of the big cities in the Netherlands and it's here where our government settles.
There were times that once a week or even more often,  one or more of the unions were demonstrating here. There is a special place for these activities, called Malieveld.

This time there was a demonstration organised by the FNV, the biggest union.
It was Labour day and they took this possibility to ask for better pension and real jobs (no flex).
It was also about normal wages for those people who can't fully participate in regular jobs.
Who can be against? Must be someone, cause there was a need for a demonstration.

Every year on the third tuesday in september, our king opens the gouverment year in The hague. 
He's a king so that's why he uses a golden coach

It can be fun too!

For young and old.

this is   Lodewijk Asscher, leader of the Labour Party (PvdA). They join the last government who changed many things, yes, indeed the things they are protesting now against.
Some politicians seem to have no shame!

and, yes, it was that time of the year.


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