The Bucket Garden.

     We have made a bucket garden near the office.
    A bucket garden, what might that be? 
It's a garden in a bucket. We did some shopping and got some seeds for free at the supermarket. We use to give them to children asking for them at the entrance of the supermarket (they are very popular that is the seeds not the children). But we had some left, not children but seeds, and decided to make our own garden.
So we got a big bucket, more a big flowerpot and after the seeds were big enough we put them in the bucket. Put some signs so that we would know what it is that is, hopefully, growing there.
And today we eat the first result it was radish or radijs as we call it.

It was tasteful, not to bitter and we enjoyed it!
There is more too look for in the near future.
We have carrot, tomatoes and cucumber.
And some sunflowers, simply because we like the beautiful flowers.

Now it's time to get back to more serious business because we can't live from this ( although we eat from it).


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