On the road, again!


It took some or maybe to much time but it’s roadrunners time again!
This time it’s up to Indonesia.
Why? Because we like Asia as a travel around area and we haven’t been ther since 2012.
We are also not getting younger so it might be a now or never situation and we choose the now side.
Writing this while we are on the airport waiting for the long flight.
Nothing interesting to see in these long waiting rooms. So tomorrow we will be in Yogyakarta according to plan.
We're leaving from Amsterdam so of course we took the change to take a short visit at the capital of The Netherlands.

Many hours later we are in another waiting room, this time in the early morning at the airport of Singapore. Different airport, different waiting room, but same waiting. Reminded me of some years ago very popular T-Shirts with “Same Same but different” printed on. Yes, I bought such a T shirt too, cheaper than cleaning and some money for the vendor.
Another flight and before you realize it, you tumble into another, strange world 


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