Vasteloavend also known as Carnaval

This should be about why I use not only a Fuji camera, but recently also . . . . 
But then there was the Carnaval and that's something I really like, so . . . .

So I thought let put in some photo's from the Carnaval taken on Sunday 3 March.  
They were all taken in Maastricht in the south of The Netherlands. 
The weather was better then expected, although very windy and rain promising but excluding a few drops, it stays dry.

It's the time just before the big parade, a little nervous, everybody on their way. Some to join the parade, some to find a good place to watch, but all waiting for the start of that, once a year, parade.

Some musicians are playing their music, when walking to the start of the parade.

Most people, watchers and parade joiners, are beautiful dressed. Typical for this city, Maastricht, it's about costumes and colour. 

And some people must do some last minute changes.
Or came from far way and surprised but decided to participate

in the Carnaval!!!

and, as always, there must be some "important" looking men, that's also a part of the Carnaval.


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