A Day in a Cuty's Life.

Let me introduce myself, "I'm the cuty from next door! " Well that's not quite true because I live most days in the white house (no not that one!) across the street, but that doesn't sound as smooth as the cuty from next door. 
And a cuty I am, although I'm reaching the age where brains and experience are getting more important than being a beauty. Luckily I still have both or better said three" 
Every once in a while for some reason I have to go to the guys at the other side of the road. Nice people, luckily flesh eaters so there is always hope there is something left for a cuty!
And they like to walk, anyway that's what they do when I'm visiting them and they always take me with them, just like this time.
So we go to a place with lots of sand and water and they want me to run and bring back the wood they throw away. Oké, that's fine with me.
Although I'm a cuty and more a thinker than a worker if they like me to carry wood I'll carry it. Too big? Come on, I take it where ever they want. (Must say I was lucky, because they didn't wanted it).
After the walk they always going to eat and drink and let's hope there is something in it for me there too. There should be, as a reward for carrying the wood, as I should have done when they wanted me to do that, they luckily didn't.

So after the drinks and the food, (yes, something for me too) it's time to go back (by car).
So they have dinner, lunch or whatever they call it, never understood all those names for food, just eat it, that's my motto.
But what's that?  Since I've been to the dentist I get this funny chunks instead of meat. They must have understood that guy wrong! These chunks are hard so as far as I see it, they can't be good for teeth. So after eating a few of these chunks I refuse to eat more. Luckily they gave me a stick, also hard but tasteful.
And then it's time for my beauty sleep, but first they give me some meat. I think they feel guilty about the chunks, and they should. A cuty like me feeding dogs food, they must gone mad!
 and then it's time for my beauty sleep, as I said before. Not that I really need it, as I am a cuty by nature!
I'm sure by the time I wake up they take me back to the house at the other side of the road and I'm next door's cuty again.


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