Fan Ho or the power and beauty of black and white

 Fan Ho or the power and beauty of black and white.
In my on going battle between black and white or colour I found on the world wide web the photo's of Fan Ho. 
If you enjoy looking at black and white pictures, look him up (googling). It's worth the search, believe me. He doesn't seem to take photo's anymore but the old ones from Hong Kong are great, in my opinion.

He seems like a wise man when it comes about photography as he said :

" it's not that I don't like colour photographs but I've realised one thing. Colours do not fit well in my world. Black and white offers me a distance. What kind of distance?
A kind of distance from real life. I think this distance is very important. Real life is multi coloured. Black and white offers a sense of detachment. It allows audiences and viewers to develop their responses and offers space and depth to ponder and contemplate my ideas" 
Fan Ho.

It's seem to be an ongoing discussion, do we shoot black and white or colour?
In the past, the choice for me was always black and white. I like the translation from colours to grey tones with black and white. But sometimes and  that's more than in the past, I like colours as well. No, I still don't like them better than monotone but prefer them more often equal.
Looking at photo's from other photographers I always prefer black and white. So it must be in the  "looking at " part and not so much in the "making of"  part.

Pictures were taken with an Olympus Pen E-P2


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