Flies and horses or old and new in the Netherlands

 some things seem to belong together. Like fireworks and New Year. 

Not this year if it is up to the government. To prevent corona expansion and more pressure on the hard working people in the hospitals.
 But we are not a listening people, says the same government. I'm curious what will happen.

 Yes, this happend, firework! Luckily not as much wounded people as last year.  The enforcers were concerned, because for many, fireworks are part of New Year's Eve, just like oliebollen and they are allowed. 

The syringes with the medicine that should protect us against the virus have been in the freezers for several days. But we only vaccinate from 8 January, as the very last country in Europe. Not everyone is happy with that, but according to the government this is the best. Will belong together in the Netherlands, too talk a lot and become indecisive when action is required. Like flies and horses, not pretty but seemingly inseparable. . .

So, less by fireworks wounded people 
We showed we're not the listening kind
The syringes with the medicine are still in the fridge
The goverment is going to think about what to do with syringes.
Happy New Year, stay healthy and optimistic, the world needs it . . .


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