Is this the end?


This was the first time that the government shows hope, they look optimistic, and, even told us when it's going to happen. 

At the end of this month we might drink a coffee at a terras, of course not with many but some of us might enjoy the hopefully good weather in a way we did before COVID.

But, of course there's a but, oh no, there are many buts.  
The percentage of infections must decrease and vaccinations must not be or will not be delayed by delivery or vaccinations that are too slow. The curfew is being extended for the time being, and if everyone follows the rules and everything goes well, then, yes then. . . . . .

Let's hope it works, it has already taken a long time, even too long for some retailers. . .

Stay healthy and optimistic, the world desperately needs it right now. . . .


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