
 As you might know or may have noticed I prefer taking photos in black and white, but recently or even a little longer there is more colour coming up.

So I thought let’s go all the way and show those colours in a colourful way. Not sure if this is making any sense to you but for me it’s pretty clear, anyway I hope or I think it is.

It appears to be not that simple for me as I noticed that I think in black and white, so I make a pretty good impression how the photo will look in black and white. I think I see a nice picture but it might be not that interesting in colour. But I’m learning, anyway hoping that I’m learning and that the photos will be nice to look at, but please keep in mind these are my first serious steps in colour photography. Of course I took more colour pictures in the past, but this time I go out with the intention to take colour photographs.

Will I keep doing this? I really don’t know, let’s go step by step, even better, make that little step by little step and we will see what the future brings. Although that’s a funny way to say it, because when we know what the future brings it’s no more future but reality in coming. Only if the future is something unknown then we can say “ let’s see what the future brings “. 

I hope this makes sense.

Stay happy healthy and optimistic!


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