Sir Henry, a free spirit.
Last year I saw him for the first time. Simply laying on the sidewalk, not reacting on my talking, just a glance when he saw me taking his picture. In the days to come I saw him more often, always alone, this old dog.
They told me he once had an owner who passed away. Since then Henry, that’s his name. walked and still walks from the harbour to the old town and back, day after day.
Restaurants supply him with food and water, vets take care for his health, winterers give him dog cookies and keep an eye on him.
There have been attempts to find a home for him, but he just wants to be in the outside, walking when he feels like it, sleeping if he feels tired and eat if it’s available and he is hungry.
He’s a loner, one might say, unable to make friends, but I see freedom, absolute freedom. Freedom just what the world needs now, freedom, just what people need now. Freedom just what we are in need of. So be careful and proud of them who found or search for freedom, like Henry, and to give him the honour he deserves, Sir Henry.
Sir Henry never makes trouble, looks completely in balance, yes, a free spirit.
I probably won’t see him again as we are leaving Albufeira, wishing he may walk some more years in good health and be happy.
If Sir Henry can, we can do it too, at least we can try, not only for ourselves but also for the world because it’s necessary in these days.
So, heads off for Sir Henry!
Stay happy and healthy and optimistic.
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